Experience of use Traugel

Patients all over the world have already experienced the beneficial effects of Trausgel. Some of them share their thoughts about the experience of using the gel.

Experience using Traugel gel from Otakar from Prague

Experience with TraugelI have been suffering from arthritis of the knee joints for over 8 years. During this time, I used various ointments, tablets, physiotherapy. The doctor advised me to try the new Traugel gel for arthritis. I didn't know anything about it before, I read the reviews, learned the composition, how to use the gel. The drug attracts attention with its natural composition and ease of use. The gel is suitable for people of any age, it is recommended for athletes. I ordered the gel on the manufacturer's official website. Sold in a soft tube, it has a pleasant smell and a texture that absorbs quickly.

I regularly applied Traugel to my knee area for 2 months. After each application, a decrease in pain was observed, after 10 days the mobility of the joint increased and the pain became insignificant. And a month later they completely disappeared. I had an x-ray, which showed that the connective and cartilage tissues had started to grow. The doctor recommended to continue the treatment for another month. Now I am sure that the pain when walking has disappeared and the mobility of the joints has improved.

I recommend using the gel to anyone who suffers from joint diseases as before.